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Virtue Hearing Podcast

Aug 28, 2019

Gary Dorf who also represents Oticon in southern California will briefly go over their new products as well as the hearing aid industry as a whole.

Oticon aims to create devices that FEEDS THE BRAIN with the best sound quality as possible with those who have hearing loss to improve their lives overall!

Gary covers the...

Aug 16, 2019

Step 1: Get a hearing test to check and see how you can benefit from hearing aids

Step 2: Once you get cleared medically for hearing aids. Find out which hearing aids you’ll need depending on your lifestyle. Select hearing aids: For home, church, etc. Advanced hearing aids: Active areas and work Premium hearing aids:...

Aug 16, 2019

En este episodio, Christopher cubre las precauciones de seguridad con sus auriculares inalámbricos.


Recomienda la regla 60/60. Tener los audífonos a un volumen del 60% durante no más de 60 minutos.


¿También está bien dormir con tus auriculares? Él lo cubrirá también y una característica genial que el...

Aug 9, 2019

In this episode, Christopher covers safety precautions with your wireless headphones.

He recommends the 60/60 rule. Having your headphones at a 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes. 

Also is it ok to sleep with your headphones? He covers that as well and a cool feature Audible has for this. 

With hearing loss, it...

Aug 7, 2019

 ¿A qué puede conducir la pérdida auditiva?  ¡Estrés, ira, retraimiento social, vergüenza y depresión!    Christopher comparte la historia de un empleado de la NASA que tenía pérdida auditiva y el viaje para mejorar su calidad de vida.    Existen diferentes niveles de tecnología para audífonos. La mejora de...